Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sophie's Visit

Uncle Jason, Auntie Amy and Cousin Sophie came to visit during spring break. Sophie and Grace had a blast together and Grace still talks about her cousin every day. It was fun to watch them play together because they have the same age gap as Peyton and Grace and I got a small glimpse of the future! In other exciting news, we registered Grace to start preschool in the fall. I am not sure who is more excited, Mommy or Grace. The only big challange we are now facing is getting Grace potty trained by the time she starts...........

Getting more adorable by the minute!

Some painting fun outside
Auntie Amy getting some sleepy baby time

Rockin' out together

More Peyton love

Coloring Easter eggs together

Fun with Grandpa

Hanging out with Uncle Jason

Snack time

Jungle girls