Saturday, June 16, 2012

It's been awhile.....

 Since my last posting many months ago, a lot of things have happened. Dalton being born and Murphy having major surgery were the most notable. Now that Dalton can manage without Mommy for a few moments during the day, I will be able to update the blog a little more often. I promise! Dalton has been a wonderful addition to the Brown team. His easy going attitude really gives Mommy a break from his crazy sisters. If they could only be as sweet to each other as they are to him....... The link below will take you to the video of Grace's recital. It is just a dress rehearsal, but you will giggle just as much as if you were watching the actual show. She is the dancer farthest to the right.
I am starting to learn that baby boys drool, A LOT!

Having fun under his mobile. Yes the walls are still purple, we will be painting soon!

Visiting with Murphy after his surgery.

His new quarters until he was healed. 

Recital day!

Great Grandma Marylou

Aunt Marybeth

Fun after the recital with Aunt Lori

Hanging out with her best friend Juliana

The Graduate!