Saturday, November 26, 2011

Fall Fun

Peyton taking a break after the Thanksgiving feast.

Every evening we have a dance party or a wrestling/pillow match with the girls. These are a few photos of what occurs.

Grace with her teacher at her Thanksgiving recital. I wish I had more photos to share but it was nearly impossible to keep track of Peyton and take decent photos of this event!

We took the girls to Oma's Pumpkin Patch to pick out their pumpkins this year. It is a giant diary farm in Lakeside that has tons of activities for the kids as well as pumkins. Grace just got done sledding down the giant cotton hill.

Climbing the giant cotton sledding hill. Peyton gave it a try but wasn't too happy about it!

Peytons favorite part of the pumkpin patch! It was love at first sight.

The girls dressed up and ready to rumble