Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Holidays!

I guess I should update the blog with some Thanksgiving pictures before Christmas arrives..... We have had a busy month! Lots of doctor's visits as the whole family has been sick. Grace and Chris managed to get through the sickness without antibiotics but Mommy and Peyton were less fortunate. After 3 days of fever, with a high of 104.5, Peyton finally emerged from her "sick coma" and is on the mend. She had such a severe ear infection that her eardrum ruptured and the only reason we knew about it was due to the fever. She never once pulled on her ears.
Grace has been getting quite excited about the holidays this year. Her school had a great Thanksgiving celebration and has done lots of fun crafts for us to decorate the house with. Peyton has no idea whats going on, but at least she is not trying to destroy the Christmas tree as I thought she would. She is very busy trying to figure out this walking business and will probably figure it out by her birthday. Hard to believe how quickly the time passes.

We managed to squeeze in a trip to Legoland. Even this driving made Mommy nervous!

Peyton spent much of the day chasing leaves and trying to taste them......

Lego Santa

I think those are excited faces!

We also hit the Seaworld Christmas Celebration. Very chilly night. Not many pictures because I wanted to keep my hands in my pockets as much as possible.

My little turkey wearing her one-eyed turkey hat.

Sitting with her classmates getting ready to sing.

A better look at her classroom.