Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hiking and the new playhouse!

The weather has been really beautiful lately and we decided to take advantage of it by going for a hike. We drove out to Ramona and tackled Mt. Woodson. Chris thought it was going to be an easy hike when I told him it was paved, but he admitted how hard it was once we got to the top. It doesn't make it any easier when your pushing 22lbs of toddler in a jogging stroller!
As most of you know, I love to find a good deal. I managed to pick up a cute outdoor playhouse for Grace at one of our local garage sales. Go ahead and guess what I paid! Her first look!

She decided to bring her bathtub in with her.

Peek-a-boo! I only paid $3 for you!

Jumping for joy.

At the tree we planted for mom.

Making sure that Daddy does not get lost.

Chris being brave......

The view from the top.

1 comment:

Jason, Amy, Sophie, and Matthew said...

Mom's tree looks great. How time flies...

Love, Jason